Principal's welcome
Welcome to the Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett !
Our school, which is part of this fine network of the Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE), places the well-being and success of all its pupils at the heart of each of its courses.
Our objectives? To arouse curiosity, enable everyone to fulfil their potential and train future enlightened citizens who will be able to move confidently in an increasingly complex world. Career guidance for our high school students is also one of our priorities.
Our 500 students are spread across 2 campuses :
The primary school is located in Foxrock. Our infant classes welcome children from the age of 3. The language of instruction is French, with daily classes in English. Non-French-speaking children, whatever their age, will gradually learn French until they become fully bilingual.
Our extra-curricular programme offers the opportunity to explore a wide range of manual, artistic and sport activities after school.
The secondary school is in Clonskeagh, where we are lucky enough to share a Eurocampus with our German-Irish partner St Kilian’s. For three years, from 5e to 3e (1st, 2nd & 3rd grade in the Irish system), our secondary school pupils prepare the Junior Certificate in conjunction with the DNB. Pupils from both schools LFI and Saint Kilian’s come together for 40% of their classes to study a common syllabus which is taught through English.
Our students can join the Irish system at any time (Irish is taught throughout the curriculum). Those who choose to continue the French curriculum at LFI Samuel Beckett up to the bac can opt for a 2nde européenne (European TY) or a 2nde section internationale américaine (International American TY) in preparation for the BFI (baccalauréat français international).
We are delighted to offer accommodation through our host family programme to students from France and other schools in the AEFE network for a full academic year or longer.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a visit and to find out more about our school and our community!
Esther LINK

LFI Education Approach

The LFI offers a unique education. From primary school on, the pupils are immersed in a multicultural and bilingual environment. Innovative and creative teaching programmes allow the children to be educated in favourable learning conditions.
LFI follows the teaching programmes of the French Department for National Education, while taking into account the local environment and the pupils themselves. Mastery of the French language, the teaching language, and its expansion are at the heart of the syllabus. Workshops for small groups in the primary school and junior cycle allow the pupils for whom it is not their mother tongue to make rapid progress. In the same way, the modern languages policy emphasises English, the language of our host country. Every pupil from the youngest up follows an individual progression.
In 5e (First Year), the pupils join the Eurocampus, run jointly with our partner St. Kilian’s. French, German, Irish and other pupils take classes together. At the end of 3e (Third Year), the children sit two exams, the French Diplôme National de Brevet (DNB) and the Irish Junior Certificate. In this way LFI as a school develops European citizenship every day and offers its pupils a real road to success.
In the classes of senior cycle, the pupils can continue an international programme with the European Section or the International Section (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat, OIB section américaine).
Become a host family!
Through the host family programme, the Lycée Français d’Irlande welcomes students to Dublin, whose parents do not live in Ireland, and gives them the opportunity to follow the French curriculum and improve their English.
Extra Curricular Activities

Primary School - Extra Curricular Activities
The after-school programme in Foxrock runs from the end of class each day until 6 pm, Monday to Friday. The children can participate i) in a number of enriching school-run activities, or ii) in other popular programmes run on the school premises by outside providers.
i) School-run activities:
Craft & Origami
Music Appreciation
Bookings for these activities can be made on-line in advance for a single term at a time.
If your child is already enrolled in the school, you can click here to log in to Eduka and make a booking.
ii) Programmes run on the school premises by outside providers:
Art | ArtZone | bookings@artzone.ie |
Chess | International Chess Promotions | baburin@gmail.com |
Circus | Dublin Circus Project | youth@dublincircusproject.com |
Gymboree | Chime in & Play | info@playandmusic.ie |
Judo | Kodokan Ireland | fred.marmain@3arena.ie |
Children's Fitness Programme | Stretch 'n' Grow | sngdse@gmail.com |
Theatre | Colour Outside the Lines | colouroutsidethelines@outlook.ie |
Irish Dancing | LFI | irishdancinglfi@gmail.com |
These activities are offered at the school by external providers. Please contact the external providers directly for further information, booking details, payment methods etc. We would advise you to make your bookings with external activities first, so that you know what after-school care you need.

Secondary School - Extra Curricular Activities
The LFI offers extra-curricular sports activities to its students and it may vary from year to year. As an example for the 2021/2022 school year, the LFI offered Volleyball, Badminton and Football activities.
After-School Care
After-school care is available every day until 6 pm. Places can be booked by term or annually. The number of pupils we can accept in after-school care is limited. All the enrolments are thus dependent on availability. Enrolments will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. After-school care can also be booked on an occasional basis, if places are available.
If booked by term, the cost of after-school care is €5 per hour.
If booked a la carte a minimum of 3 days in advance, the cost of after-school care is €10 per hour.
If booked a la carte less than 3 days in advance, the cost of after-school care is €15 per hour.
This is to allow us to manage the staffing level appropriately and ensure the well-being of all children in our care.
Terms and conditions of the after-school care are available here: After-school T&Cs
The children are supervised in the school, outside if the weather permits.
The children in after-school care are divided into two groups: infant classes and junior classes.
The children in the junior classes play in the big yard. If they are inside, they can draw, socialise, play board games, or do other enriching activities which are provided for their benefit.
The children from the infant classes in after-school care play in the little yard with all the toys that are available. When they are indoors, they can play with small toys, draw, colour, or do imaginative play.
There is a break mid-afternoon for the children from the infant classes for a snack and a quiet time. Please remember to give your child a snack if he or she will be staying in after-school care for a few hours.
On Wednesday afternoons, the children from Petite Section have a nap.
If your child is already enrolled in the school, click here to log in to Eduka and make a booking.
Networks / Partnerships
The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a government institution supervised by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Founded in 1990, it is responsible for monitoring and managing the network of French schools abroad.
The AEFE is the guarantor of the French education system abroad. It plays a key role in expanding France’s cultural and linguistic influence throughout the world and serves to boost the appeal of French higher education.
The Eurocampus is a joint project between St. Kilian’s and the Lycée Français d’Irlande (LFI). We share our campus here in Clonskeagh and students of both schools share lessons in the joint Junior Cycle.
In September 2001 the Secondary School of the Lycée Français d’Irlande relocated to the St. Kilian’s, Clonskeagh campus as the first step towards providing a true European style education for Dublin. After four years of negotiations and shared experiences, the Lycée Français d’Irlande and St. Kilian’s Deutsche Schule Secondary School agreed to join to amalgamate in the Junior Cycle, thus creating the Eurocampus Dublin.
Governance & Policies
Admin Staff Contact Details
Primary: primaire@lfi.ie +353 12894063 / +353 860651137 Secondary: secondaire@lfi.ie +353 12884834 / +353 860651138 |