Application Process

Infant / Junior Classes
The admission campaign is open from October 1 preceding the start date of children’s schooling.
- To make an application, click on the link:, and create your family account.
If you have any difficulties, consult the tutorial. - If a place is available, you will receive an email asking you to:
- confirm that you accept the place.
- pay a (non-refundable) enrolment administrative fee of €700 for the first child, €630 for the second child, and €560 for the third and subsequent child – for each place confirmed.
- make an advance payment of €500 (deductible from last term tuition fees).
- NB: These costs are non-refundable if the enrolment is canceled.
- Confirmation of enrolment are given on a day-by-day basis going down a waiting list.
- Please note that registering does not mean that you will be enrolled, it is simply a request.
Secondary School
We remind you that submitting an application does not constitute enrolment, it is just an application.
To make an application, click on the link: and create your family account.
If you have any difficulties, consult the tutorial.
If a place is available, you will receive an email asking you to:
- confirm that you accept the place.
- pay a (non-refundable) enrolment administrative fee of €700 for the first child, €630 for the second child, and €560 for the third and subsequent child – for each place confirmed.
- make an advance payment of €500 (deductible from last term tuition fees).
NB: These costs are non-refundable if the enrolment is canceled.
Confirmation of enrolment are given on a day-by-day basis going down a waiting list.
Enquiry Contact Details
Enrolment Requirements

Infant / Junior Classes
Certain criteria must be met before a child can be accepted in our infant classes:
- Age: The child must be three years old by 31st August of the year of entry. For children born between the 1st of September and the 31st of December of the year of entry, it may be possible for them to start in January of the current school year provided there are places available and according to the same priority criteria as those for entry in September.
- Toilet training: The child must be toilet trained before starting in the infant classes.
On receipt of the completed application, the school attributes a place on the waiting list in accordance with the following priority criteria:
Infant Classes
- Children who have siblings enrolled in the school.
- French-speaking pupils and pupils from French-speaking schools.
- Children of LFI staff members and French diplomats.
Given the number of applications received each year by the school, it is preferable to complete an application as far as possible in advance of the date when the child should start school.
For applications with equal priority, the date of the first application for enrolment determines the waiting list place attributed. The same system applies to applications with no priority criteria.
All decisions on admissions are taken by the Principal.

Junior Classes
On receipt of the completed application, the school attributes a place on the waiting list in accordance with the following priority criteria:
- Children who have siblings enrolled in the school.
- French-speaking pupils and pupils from French-speaking schools.
- Children of LFI staff members and French diplomats.
Given the number of applications received each year by the school, it is preferable to complete an application as far as possible in advance of the date when the child should start school. For applications with equal priority, the date of the first application for enrolment determines the waiting list place attributed. The same system applies to applications with no priority criteria.
All decisions on admissions are taken by the Principal.

The Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett secondary school (both Collège and Lycée) is located in Clonskeagh on a shared campus with St Kilian’s Deutsche Schule: the Eurocampus. The Eurocampus integration project unites both schools and covers 1st, 2nd and 3rd year classes. It is a bilingual teaching programme based integrating these classes into the Irish educational system, thus offering pupils greater proficiency in English.
The Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett draws parents’ attention to the fact that the age required by the Irish regulations for entry to secondary school may affect primary school admissions. The French-Irish double curriculum at the LFI (the Eurocampus programme) begins in 1st year and continues during 2nd and 3rd year. It requires that pupils be twelve years old by 1st January of the academic year that they enter 1st year. Parents should note that if children have been moved to a higher class while in primary school and are younger than the usual cohort, they may be refused entry into 1st year or subsequent years. Parents should contact the Admissions Department for further information when applying.

Junior Cycle (Collège)
In the French system, 6th class is part of the secondary school. This year is an important preparation year for pupils for the Eurocampus integration programme in 1st Year. It also serves to consolidate the foundation work carried out in the primary school. In 6th class pupils take two subjects in English (music and art) and the history curriculum is divided between English and French (four classes per week in French with the remaining class in English). English classes are held in smaller groups for four classes out of five.
Pupils of the junior cycle (‘Collège’) from 1st to 3rd year are part of the bilingual programme with St Kilian’s combining the French and Irish national syllabi. This programme consists of 40% of classes undertaken in English and 60% in French. Pupils are integrated into the four existing Irish class groups (A, B, C and D) and remain in these groups for the three remaining years of Collège. Both curricula have been combined so that they are both fully covered by the programme. Pupils have the opportunity to sit both the French Diplôme National du Brevet and the Irish Junior Certificate.
Senior Cycle (Lycée)
For the final cycle of the secondary school (‘Lycée’), pupils prepare for the Baccalaureate (the French equivalent of the Leaving Certificate).
The specialties offered are:
- History-geography-geopolitics-political science
- Mathematics
- Physics- Chemistry
- Social sciences and Economics
- Biology-geology
An additional two hours of history, taught through English, is in place from 4th year on to prepare pupils for an eventual Baccalaureate with a European Option.
The Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett also offers the possibility to take the American Option of the International Option of the Baccalaureate.
Pupils can also study for and sit the Leaving Certificate by choosing to follow the Irish curriculum with St Kilian’s. Currently pupils do not prepare for both final school exams.
However, the Baccalaureate is officially recognised by Irish universities (Trinity College, UCD, DCU, TUD….) and the International Option of the Baccalaureate is an advantage for those who wish to study at an English-speaking university. Pupils have the option of applying to Irish universities through the CAO (Central Applications Office) system.
Enrolment Conditions:
In the event of over-subscription to a particular class, applicants are placed on a waiting list. Admission to LFI is then pursuant to the following criteria:
- Siblings of an existing pupil
- Pupils of one of the AEFE’s schools
- Children of an LFI employee or a French diplomat
- Priority will be given to pupils from French-speaking families and from French-speaking schools (AEFE, French)
It should be noted that only after the school’s admission criteria as above have been applied will the date on which the application was made be taken into consideration in determining an applicant’s position on the waiting list.
All decisions in relation to admissions are taken by the school principal.
Class | Annually |
Infant classes | €6,609 |
Junior classes | €5,610 |
6th class and junior cycle | €5,883 |
Senior cycle (resident) | €6,945 |
Senior cycle (non-resident) | €9,363 |
Additional fee for International Section | €1,071 |
Additional fee for Section Sportive | €642 |
Please read the full LFI Fees Terms and Conditions 2024-2025
Grants are available for the children of French or binational families who RESIDE in Ireland and do not have the means to pay the entirety or part of the LFI school fees. Each year the LFI communicates to parents the information received from the French Embassy in Ireland.
An annual grant application is possible if at least one of the parents is French and the child/ren is/are registered with the French Consulate.
The Dublin commission takes place in spring time preceding the academic year. A second commission takes place in October for the families whose situation changed or arrived in Ireland at a later date. Information about the possibility of obtaining a grant is circulated by the school each year.
Please note that French or binational parents MUST live in Ireland to be eligible for an AEFE grant (managed by the French Embassy in Ireland).
The other kind of scholarship grant available is proposed by the French Ministry of Education (London/Dublin mobility/merits grant) and gives the opportunity of one year abroad with a host family. Parents apply directly with the Ministry of Education and NOT via the LFI.